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Webinar "Youth work here and over there"

28. juunil 14.00-16.00


toimub Gruusia ja Eesti noorsootöötajata ühine webinar:

- noorsootöö struktuur Eestis ja huviharidus

- noorteinfo

- noorsootöö struktuur Gruusias

-mobiilne noorsootöö sh tänavanoorsootöö

Webinar on osa Erasmus + projektist "Noorsootöö siin- ja sealpool"

Webinar toimub Zoomi keskkonnas. Link saadetakse registreeritud osalejatele 28. juuni hommikul.

Osalemisest anna teada Janele hiljemalt 27. juuniks või registreeri siin:

 FB üritus:

Webinar is a part of Youth workers mobility project "Youth work here and over there" moving on virtual.

Webinar in Zoom, working language is English.


13.50-14.00 (14.50-15.00) Gathering in Zoom

14.00-14.05 (15.00-15.05) Greetings from the moderator, introduction to our webinar

14.05- 14.25 (15.05-15.25 The structure of youth work in Estonia and hobby education (presentation)

14.30- 14.50 (15.30-15.50) Youth work in Georgia

Presentation from Dea Abuladze- Youth Agency, work professionalization programme coordinator Presentation "Skills for Success"

14.50-15.00 (15.50-16.00) Discussions and summaries of the presentation topics

15.00- 15.20 (16.00-16.20) Mobile youth work

Presentation from Irma Giorgobiani- Youth Agency, Hobby Education programme coordinator

15.25- 15.45 Youth information work terms and content in Estonia

Mari-Liis Vanaisak (presentation)

15.45- 16.00 Feedback of the webinar and our next steps

The zoom link will be sent to registered participants in the morning of 28th June.

Registration is open:

Moderated by Mari-Liis Vanaisak.


The project is supported by Erasmus + and the European Solidarity Corps Agency through the Erasmus + program

Projekti toetab Erasmus+ ja Euroopa Solidaarsuskorpuse agentuur Erasmus+ programmist